Mobile Web Design

Responsive Web Design

Is Smart Phone Traffic
Important to Your Business?

Just for a moment, ignore tablet traffic.

Tablet traffic makes up about 8% of the web page traffic world-wide.

Your old 2013 (non-responsive) site looks fine on an iPad Pro. And the iPad Pro covers about 89% of the traffic to the tablet market.

And 89% times 8% is a little over 7% — so tablet traffic is not the primary justification for a responsive website upgrade.

How about smart phone traffic?

Let’s assume your last site was built in 2013. Smart phone traffic accounted for about 15% of page views.

So, in 2013, investing in a responsive site may have seemed — meh.

However, the world has changed. In 2018 52.2 percent of all website traffic was going to mobile phones.

So, compared to 2013, investing in a responsive site today can more than triple your smartphone traffic! And with smartphone traffic at more than half of the total web traffic, the decision to invest in a responsive site has become a no-brainer.

201320142015201620172018051015202530354045505515.2%27.1%35.1%43.6%50.3%52.2%Mobile Share of Traffic (%)Share in 4th QuarterSmart Phone Web Traffic More Than Tripled Since 2013Data Source: Statistica

Regardless of your market, the opportunity for traffic from smartphones is now about 340% of what it was in 2013.

340% 2018 Smart Phone Web Traffic
Compared to 2013

Not surprisingly, these numbers track closely to US organic search over mobile devices.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2019, mobile devices accounted for 60% of U.S. Organic Search visits.

2013201420152016201720183Q20190510152025303540455055606533%39%43%51%53%57%60%Mobile Share of Organic Search (%)4th Quarter Except Where Otherwise IndicatedMobile Share of US Organic Search Engine VisitsData Source: Statistica
60% Percentage of All Visits Resulting from US Mobile Device Organic Search

And finally, for you MBA types, the growth in traffic from 2013 to 2018 was a CAGR of 28% — not bad.

28% CAGR 2013 to 2018 Smart Phone Traffic Growth